I've always heard it,and now i'm starting to believe it might be true: Does your sex life take a backseat after having kids? My husband and I have never been a super highly sexed couple(unless we're drinking heavily) but would probably 'do it' 2-3 times a week before kids. After I had my son (4 years ago),I noticed we…
I usually buy Vega One's nutritional shake for a supplements here and there but started thinking I should have more of a protein based powder. So I bought Vega Sport. It has Glutamine in it and of course it says in small print, "do not use while pregnant or breast feeding". Now, the dumb question is, can I use it? Anyone…
I need advice. I won't go into the WHOLE story because it will take too long but ill give you the gist: I've had this best friend for 15 years+,she got pregnant 3 years ago with a baby that had downs,decided to terminate at 4 months and tried to get pregnant again. I was super supportive like any good friend would be.Two…
Ever since I've been doing the squat challenge, im feeling like my pants are fitting differently. I naturally have thicker legs so it may just be me but today when I put on my skinny jeans,my calfs where practically stuck in my pants. lol! I can tell my body is transforming(perkier booty and definition in my thighs) which…