Super long periods
Hey ladies! So, because I'm nursing, no one wants to order blood work for my hormone levels because even if they're out of whack, I won't "take medicine" for them. I have asked because I want to know where I'm at... and while I might not take things for them, certainly I can do other things to help. Anyway, before I had my…
Just need to vent... I love losing weight, but hate...
...the spotting! I know WHY it happens, but I hate it. The hormonal chaos also turns me into a rage beast who wants to eat all of the food. It doesn't happen the entire time, but definitely happens quite often when I'm losing weight. Even when I was on BCP I'd experience breakthrough bleeding that would drive me nuts. The…
Hello everyone! Newbie here! Looking for cysters to support each other! :)
I'm 26 (almost 27) and I've been dx with PCOS since 19. I knew I had a problem earlier, but ignored it until then because not getting periods was pretty cool. I've been overweight since puberty, likely partly due to the PCOS and because I like to eat the wrong foods. I took BCP from 19-22 and it helped my symptoms…
any advice for mama who is always tired?
My dilemma is this: my 8 month old does not sleep through the night. As in, is up every hour to eat (I nurse him). During the day, when he takes a nap I am so exhausted that I must too take a nap. So I'm kind of in a pickle. Waking up before he does to exercise is pretty much an impossibility if I am to function and take…