I'm planning on participating in a Tough Mudder in October 2016. That gives me ten months to prepare myself. From anyone who has done one before, any tips or advice? What is the best way to train? I know running is a major factor! Any advice would be super helpful!
Who uses powdered greens? I have been trying to decide if it is worth the investment. What should I look for? What are the best brands? And what is the best way to mix them? I currently make green smoothies with kale or spinach, but am still interested in getting to know more about green powders.
Has anyone ever used an online personal trainer site? If so, did you like it and which site did you use? Is it worth the cost? I would like to use a personal trainer because I feel like it would give me a boost in the right direction activity-wise but I don't feel comfortable enought to hire one at the gym. So I was hoping…
How many days a week do you workout and do you have a rest day? And for how long does your general workout last? Do you mix your cardio and strength training together or do them on seperate days?
I have read about several benefits of coconut oil and I know many many people use it to cook versus other types of oil. But I've heard there are benefits from just drinking it straight. Has anyone tried this? If so, have you noticed any benefits from it?
Anyone use the Wii or Xbox to workout? I love using Just Dance & Zumba on my Wii to get in a fun workout every once in a while!. What are some games you use or enjoy to get in a workout for the day?
I was wondering if anyone used the Endomondo sport tracker app and have it synced to MFP? Does it work well and what kind of functions does it have?