Accurate Formula To Determine Calories Burned Jogging
All, Here is a simple formula to figure out ACCURATEY how to determine how many calories your burning while Jogging. I did my research after I became concerned that the user input calories burned was not accurate. Take 0.75 x (your weight in pounds). Multiply this total times the number of miles ran, and it accurately…
1 Pound lost
Ummm Yay?
More On Accuracy Of User Input
All, So if I suspect that the user input for calories burned is not accurate.... can I create my own entry and use that? For example, If I jog for 4 miles at a 10 minute mile, and I feel I burned 400 calories, can I enter that as a exercise and use that all the time? Experts devised a method that they believe is the best…
Common User Data Errors when submitting Foods
All, I have noticed the most common error that users are commiting when submitting and recording foods, is that they are not using the amounts for "1 Serving". Instead they are submitting for the entire content. Thats wrong. Please be careful and only add per serving. Also I have found just a general lack of precision when…
P90x Training
I wanted to know how many calories I could record per P90x Sessions. For those of you using P90x, I did alot of research. The common agreement amongst users and creators of the program, on average you burn about 600 Calories per session. That is based on a 50 minute workout. Of course this is an average. 600 calories is…
Can Users Change My Data Entries?
I will do my due diligence and correct the ones I find that are not accurate. But I'm now hesitant to make my entries public because does that mean they someone can change my entry? I knows my entries are correct because I take my time to be accurate, and so I dont want my time wasted by someone coming behind me and…
Am I the only guy on this thing?
Hmm... am I the only male on this site trying to lose weight? Is this site for men too?
Are the user contributed exercises accurate?
I just learned we can add foods to the database? Is that vetted for accuracy as in calories burned etc, before its available to all of us? Thank you...
How does this site compare?
All, I was using "Tap and Track" on my iPhone. I thought it was the best and then I found this site. I read the reviews of this site and the thing that is attracting me the most is the chatter of the large food database this one has. Can anyone tell me how this site compares to other calorie counters? Any else ever use…