So today I realized something...normally I'm the type of person that can't buy any kind of junk food. Because if it's in the house it's gone immediately. Ice cream? Two days, max. Bag of Hallowe'en candy? Three, the most. But today, I realized I have more junk food in my house that I've ever had at one time. And it's been…
Just wondering what other people do to "remind" themselves of bigger days (as if you ever REALLY forget being...well, fat) When I dropped 40 lbs I tattooed my highest weight ( be truthful, the highest weight I ever saw on a scale. Looking at pictures, I'm sure there were times I was much larger) to my right wrist…
It's funny - weight has always been the one thing that I felt defined me, but that I tried never to let own me. Sure, I was that chubby girl that got her C cup bra at age 11 - not simply because I was an early bloomer - no, because it was mostly fat. But I put on a smile, had friends, went to parties, was a normal girl…