Ok so I've been dying for a cheesecake brownie but didn't want to cheat. I eat low carb so no flour or sugar. I do still eat artificial sweetener even though I know it's bad. Lol but as any other treat this is for occasional use! It was the best thing I've had so I thought I'd share my recipe. :) Low carb cheesecake…
Hi, my name is Tami and I've been on this journey since April of this year. I never really write on these boards but today is so special I have to. Today I got to change all three numbers on my weight! I'm officially 198 down from 274 in April. I haven't seen a 1 since middle school. :) I know I still have some to go but…
Hi, I'm new. I'm 25 years old 5'9 and I've always been overweight. I hit close to 300 lbs last year and that was it for me. I started dieting and exercising and dropped down to 255... Until I met my fiancé. Lol. I haven't gained everything back but I've also stopped dropping. My man loves me how I am and that's great...…