workouts for dummies?
I am so frustrated with my uncoordinated efforts to workout. Does anyone have a suggestion for a workout routine that provides a muscle building component? I have tried yoga, Pilates, zumba, bar method even free weights and getting the form right is driving me crazy. I don't have the money to hire a trainer or attend…
filled with regret
So I was at the gym this morning feeling ridiculously proud of myself for working out when I haven't been feeling well. I have MS and it's been flaring for some reason, not too bad, just enough to remind me I have it. On the TV in the gym is the show "Doctors" which I don't usually watch. I'm an RN and the show seems…
how accurate is this "fat loss monitor"
So my husband brought home this Omron fat loss monitor from work. I think it was pretty cheap. Here's my question for anyone who is knowledgeable about such things. How accurate is this fat percentage? I enter in my height, weight, age and sex then you hold onto each side of the metal handles and it's supposed to tell you…
Gastric Bypass
I am sure there are some strong feelings and opinions out there about bariatric surgery. I would like to hear about any personal experiences. I had a lap band surgery 10 years ago and it has been a big waste of time and money. I have had so many problems with it recently the doctor would like to remove it. He is already…
Hello everyone.
Hello everyone, I'm back on-line after a long absence. I have about 135 pounds to lose but I am going to focus on 10 pounds at a time. Everytime I pick up 10 pound bag of potatoes I realize why I'm so tired all of the time. It's like I'm carrying another person around on my back. My struggles with weight loss are many but…
My Christmas wish
Yes, I want peace on earth, good will toward men (and women). I want everyone to have shelter, clothing and enough to eat, blah,blah,blah.... But MOST of all, I want to stop eating all this extra holiday food and have a Christmas miracle by having a loss at my next weigh-in! Does that make me a bad person?