Hi! I need some advice for maintaining my fitness level with bruised ribs. I am supposed to start training for a half marathon on the 17th for a mother's day run and I can't run. It is too painful. Any ideas about what I can do instead. Lifting hurts also. Thanks for your help.
Hi everyone! I am training for my first marathon (NYC, 11/4/12). I am really excited about it and have been trying very hard to stick to my training plan. However, I get back spasms on occasion during my long runs. Today, I was supposed to do 20 miles but at 17.25 my back started spasming. I walked a bit to try to work it…
I am fairly new to distance running. I was wondering what your opinion was regarding energy gels. I have seen some advice saying they are no good and to stick to sports drinks every 2 miles. Other advice has been to take a gel every 45 minutes, with plain water. What works for you? What gels do you use? Thanks for all you…
With the Jewish holiday only a week away, any ideas for low cal dairy recipes? Also, any advice on how to stay away from all the cheesecake? thanks and chag sameach!