Hey everyone, I finally completed my 5k training program. I installed a free c25k app on my phone from Zen labs and hit the pavement. You can visit my personal blog if you want to read some of my struggles with weight loss and running. Trust me, if I can do it ANYONE can! :) Best of luck to you all!!!…
Hey Everyone, Check out my simple blog about my journey with weight loss. You might make a connection with me. It's still a work in progress but some that read it really enjoy. I want to give inspriration as well as being on the receiving end of it too. Visit: www.heavyandhadit.com to find out all about me. :) Thanks!
Hey Everyone. I'm a simple person with a simple blog. Check mine out to find out how my life is changing. Visit: www.heavyandhadit.com Thanks! :)
I am struggling with the dreaded plateau. I am down 58 pounds and my weight loss has slowed dramatically. Has anyone experienced this and if so what did you do to get around it. I had a visit with the doc yesterday that suggested that I increase my calories to over 2000 a day for several weeks and then start to cut my…