Did anyoe else just see the worst call in NFL history??
Wow, talk about GB getting ROBBED. And I'm not even a Packers fan
Strength Training Help
Hey everyone. I have a question, but let me tell you my situation first. My job currently has me out of town quite a bit. Pretty much from 5:30AM Monday to 7PM Friday. Each night during the week in a hotel. My cardio is no problem as they usually have a stationary bike, tread and elliptical. Carido routine is usually an…
Looking for Motivation
Hey everyone. Work has me on the road quite a bit which means I am away from my "home support" a good bit of the time. So if you're interested in being part of my "away support" add me! I'll try to help motivate you too. :smile:
Saying Hello
Hey everyone! I started MFP a few weeks ago, but thought I would go ahead throw out the introduction post. I'm here to use the help of MFP to keep count of my net calorie intake, all around help, and proper instruction in dieting and fitness. My goal is to be down to 175. 22 more lbs to go!