Okay so yesterday I did Jillian's 30 day shred and my knee was bothering me during the lunges. Since then it has been sore and the outer part of the knee is achy. Does anyone know anything about this? SHould I stay off of it or can I still exercise? I don't want to lose my momentum. Thanks for the help.
Okay, my new addiction has been hot tea after dinner. Many, many cups. Does anyone know if this can count towards my water consumption? It's herbal so there's no caffeine. Beyond that I hope it's okay for me- it's Good Earth Sweet and Spicy and it's delicious.
Okay, I have a question for those of you who have been successful here. What's the verdict on diet soda? I usually don't drink them b/c of the sweeteners, but I need something to quench my sweet tooth. I'm desperate for a solution. Any comments are appreciated thanks
So, I joined up with this site a while ago but never fully committed until this past Monday. I've decided I need to finally face my longest running challenge and win! Reading the posts here have inspired me to believe that I can do it, I'm just looking for support and help. I'm very excited and feel a determination I…