Weights/Exercises without using arms?
So I've just hopped back on the diet bandwagon. I'm pretty sure just that mentality of knowing I'm losing weight (I'm generally sitting around 1000-1300 calories per day, so I *have* to be losing!) is making me feel better about my body. However, I'd really like to tone up. I've only ever done cardio ... 18 years as a…
Sloooooow weight loss. What's wrong?
So ... I was at my heaviest (over 150 lbs) Christmas 2011 thanks to a doting Uncle. In September, I decided to get back to my High School graduation weight (130 lbs). I worked quite hard at losing weight since then, only falling off the bandwagon at Christmas and Thanksgiving. Since the beginning of January, I have been…
So...what am I doing wrong?
I started counting calories again at the beginning of September, I believe September 4th. I am 5'5 and looking to get back to my high school graduation weight of somewhere between 125-130lbs. I'm not entirely sure what I weighed at the beginning of September, but I was somewhere in the ballpark of 150 lbs. Over the past…