Facial Swelling
So I have an issue. My face swells up randomly. Sometimes I have a HUGE pronounced double chin. Sometimes its less so. I worked really hard to have the small amount of neck that I did get from weight loss that this pisses me off. It seems to happen once a month (make the conclusion) and I have tried all sorts of…
World Book Night!!!
Today is World Book Night! I got chosen as a giver! I will be giving out Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Niel Gaiman in Lufkin, TX. This is a most excellent thing because all the book stores in this area have closed down and no one reads anything that is not available at Wal-Mart. Here is the website! Please Check it out…
Exercises for your legs when your knee is busted
Anyone know any good exercises for when your knee is extremely painful to bend? I was doing squats and such but that is out of the question right now, but I do not want to forget my legs when I do toning exercises. I know the more muscle I put on my legs the better my knee will be. Thanks!
Anyone else tape testing?
After not seeing the scale go down for...oh since I started... I have begun tape testing. I wanted to know if anyone else is useing inches to check these things out. Cyn
Yep, I am a n00b. I am not entirely worried about my weight... but I want to be in shape and healthy so therefor I must lose weight. I am one of those folks who realized long ago that some people are just built big and I do not expect unrealistic results (ie me in a bikini and looking good.) If there are any like minded…