Exercises for your legs when your knee is busted

Anyone know any good exercises for when your knee is extremely painful to bend? I was doing squats and such but that is out of the question right now, but I do not want to forget my legs when I do toning exercises. I know the more muscle I put on my legs the better my knee will be.



  • ccdog812
    ccdog812 Posts: 41 Member
    Maybe just the classic 80's style leg lifts (on stomach, back, and on side inner and outer thighs) for upper and calf raises for lower? Thats what I had to do after my knee surgery so It can't be bad for your knee right?
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    YOU should get it evaluated so you can know for sure which exercise you can do to build and not make worse!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    ::Does the "ask your orthopedist or your physical therapist" dance::