I bought 30ds today and plan on starting on Sunday, December 1st. I've never legitimately exercised before (my profile picture is an accurate depiction of how I feel at the very thought of it) so I'm nervous/ excited to start! Does anyone want to do this as a December Challenge with me?! p.s- Is there anyone who has had a…
I know that BMI is basically meaningless because of the weight of muscle and all that jazz. But today I weighed in at 139.6 and that number puts me out of the “overweight” category according to BMI (I’m 5’3’’). It may be meaningless but it feels damn good to finally be in the “normal” range.
Hi guys! I need to do a really simple survey for one of my classes at school, if any of you would take it that would be sweet! http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/K3M2MLZ It's only 2 questions and will take you less than 5 seconds! It's about pizza so I didn't feel like it was completely irrelevant to the site :-P