Need some motivation and friends so we can help each other along the way
I was doing great then fell off the map am looking for some friends to motivate and swap ideas and stories with I'm looking to lose 30 lbs and am on a 1200 calorie daily goal
The joke thread.....
Hi I am a 33 yr old who got an mri for back problems recently, when I read the paper that stated I was morbidly obese.... I was mad, disappointed, but most of all shocked that I let myself get so overweight, I can blame being a single mom, struggling paying bills, etc, but that didnt change the fact, guess what I need to…
Ok so im still fairly new to trying to eat right lose all this excess padding.... can anyone help with a good days meal planner... I hear eat bigger breakfast like a king lunch smaller like a queen then dinner pauper... then I hear 3 small meals w 2 snacks... then cit carbs then. Carbs r ok calories are calories... someone…
I have major back problems... but im tired of feeling sorry for myself so I am trying to count calories... and im committed to start walking an hour 3 times a week for an hour then will work my way up... I used to love the elliptical my goal is to get back to it.... but will walking 2.0 on the treadmill be my best starting…