If you pre-order T. Colin Campbell's new book before May 1 you can get a free copy of Healthy Eating, Healthy World. http://www.thechinastudy.com/whole/pre-order/?utm_source=Happycow&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=Whole+Preorder I thought I'd share!
I have my desired macros set to 70/15/15 for carbs/fat/protein based on information from FOK, the China Study, etc., and I'm totally shocked whenever I'm over on the regular forums and see the protein recommendations people are giving out. People even smaller than me (I'm 5'5, 140 lb) who are not body builders by any means…
I've been a vegan for six years for ethical reasons, but I choose to be a whole foods/clean eating vegan for health reasons. I've read Brendan Brazier's books (his Thrive series), and I get a lot of info about eating a healthful whole foods diet from him, but I've also read a lot of other sources and seen a lot of…
I was just wondering who your favourites are in the DVDs! I just finished week five and so far I have three: Mimi - I totally want her to be my best friend. I know that some people think she's cheesy, but I think she's funny and the humour distracts me from the pain. Natalie - I want to be her. Look at those guns! David -…