answer to Paleo Diet?
The Paleo Diet is usually meat centric, allowing for only 23% of carbs(with some variations allowing more). And I was reading about it on the forum along with other low carb variations - there are so many advocates of low carb diets now that it is hard to ignore/disregard it, so I have been studying and thinking about it.…
In the USA - weight gain due to culture?
I was just thinking about something after reading the eating disorder thread and the worst date thread, and thinking about my own dating/going out habits. When I go on a date to a restaurant, I'm doing something almost everyone in this country does - it's almost part of the script - a very common thing to do on a date or…
Losing balance while running
I fell on concrete this morning while jogging outside - it's not the first time I've fallen, as I have unusual muscular composition on my left leg(weaker muscles, doesn't turn out at the hip, turns in at the foot). Being pigeon-toed, which I was as a kid, is a pretty common problem, so I would think I'm not the only one…
Pro-active! And in it for the long-term.
I have been interested in fitness and interested in weight loss from my teens onward...I have gone through some extreme cravings, and became overweight at a few points in my life, only to lose the weight and then slowly regain. I have always had an interest in weight lifting and strength, and prided myself on my muscles…
Kid Cuisine Frozen Meals
I crave comfort food sometimes...I do try to get my protein and veggies in, but I like to have comfort food without considering it a cheat day. I just wanted to share what I think is a nice way to satisfy the craving and eat something that isn't labeled as a diet food at all but actually doesn' t have too many…