2 days before my period and it starts.... last night when my daugter wake me up ,the beast appear....luckly everything else were out of reach but peach juice... sugar beast appeared this morning too but I was abble to fight with it, but in 2 days, and next 5 or 6 ,not sure.... for last 2 weeks (since I started mfp) I lose…
do you feel like you're trash can for you're kids.... I do that from the day they born.... what they can't eat I finish.... today my daughter came to me with half-eaten cookie, and give it to me....eat mama I don't wan't it anymore...., first I sad no (progress !!!! I usually just throw it in my mouth), and she start to…
hi everyone, I find this when I downloaded a phone app and I instantly fall in love.... I struggle with weight for a long time, and tried many diets that didn't work as good I hope it will .... for last few years it didn't work at all because I can't arange preparing one food for me and the other for kids (my hubby's work…