Where is everybody ???????????:flowerforyou:
I have a new motivator to keep truckin' and get this weight off. My only grandaughter called to tell me she's newly engaged and they are planning a wedding for next summer (2013). So exciting! Can't wait til next year,to go shopping for 'skinny' clothes for the wedding.
Anyone tried the new program where you eat what you want (within reason) for 5 days a week and do a 500cal fast for the other 2 days? I'm trying it. Started it last Monday. Let me know if anyone has done it and if you've had success. Sandy
"Nothing taste as good as being thin feels !!". Don't know who the author is, but it's going to be taped to my fridge and cubbard.:flowerforyou:
I have a left over pasta meal with turkey meat balls that I'm going to finish up today.........Then, it's back on "The 17 Day Diet" by Dr Mike Moreno. Been goofing off long enough. I get creative with it so I feel satisfied. Instead of just a plain old salad, one way I dress it up is to make it a lettuce taco salad with…
Just joined your group and need motivation to get me back on track again. I'm a 70 year young mother/grandmother. Like so many people I have yo yo'd all my life. I was doing well, starting out at 236 lb's and was down to 171 last November. Then the holidays struck and i've been slooowely going up, now reaching 189 (…
Too bad mosquitoes don't suck fat instead of blood. :laugh:
Each day is a new canvas to paint on.:flowerforyou: