If you scroll down it's Erica Durance that's the kind of body that i want, i'm currently doing the couch25k program which is three days a week which after 9 weeks gets you to be able to run for 30 mins straight. I'm thinking of…
Is this a good exercise schedule to lose weight? Monday Couch25k program 30 mins (burning about 270 calories at the moment) Tuesday Body Combat class (fighting class; burn about 670 calories) Pilates class (I think it's about 270-300 calories) Wednesday Couch25k program 30 mins Yoga class (about 270 calories) Thursday Body…
Okay so for a while i've been just the same weight but i want to actually lose weight and not just stay at the same weight not losing or gaining. I'm about 5'11 and weight about 90 kg and my bmi is over what it should be, for my height the healthy range is 59.9 - 81.0 kg . So i would like to get down to 65 kg. I'm…