Hi, Please can anyone share vegetables or other food recommendations that are High in Fiber | Low in Carb and Low in Calories. I started low net carb plan of 40g recently. keeping to a calorie of 1800 or below. I am on target with my net carb and calorie but way behind trying to hit Fiber of 25 - 35 daily. I average 10 -15
Hello I am about to embark on a 5 to 10 day one time Green Smoothie Cleanse. I will not be making the smoothie at home. Yes I recognize and acknowledge that its better to make it at home and much less expensive. I have decided not to make it at home and I am looking for recommendations on the next best store bought…
Hi I have recently been introduced to progressive vegegreens powder https://progressivenutritional.com/vegegreens as a supplement to vegetables. Unlike my perception of most supplements, I do not get a gag reflex when I drink it. I won't sip it like i'm drinking baileys but it does not taste bad and I can comfortable drink…
https://www.yahoo.com/health/i-tried-10-diets-in-50-days-heres-what-actually-108173225142.html Article worth sharing if you have not already seen it, I like his reference to how boredom contributes to falling off the diet wagon and ........"I knew it wasn’t the diet for me when I started checking for the calories of some…
Hi what’s the best way to manage your diet and exercise if you want to Lift, get very toned but not gain tight muscles. By this i mean...I want a lean look like Jennifer Aniston and not the Lean muscular look of Madonna. Do you focus more on carbs or protein? Do you lift heaver but fewer reps or lighter and more reps. any…
Hello Enjoy..... http://bradpilon.com/weight-loss/why-carbs-make-us-fat/