Hey ladies! I'm currently preparing for a mid-winter bulk, but I find myself concerned about a tiny detail. Is there anything that can reliably stop (or decrease) the abdomen swelling due to the sheer volume of food and waste? I was thinking about using very calorie-dense foods simply to decrease the amount of the actual…
I've been noticing a certain recurring form issue in my bench and figured I'd probe your brains for a possible solution, ladies. Simply put, my right shoulder is visibly more mobile than my left. As a result, when I retract my scapulae back, the length of my arms is different enough to put a lot of extra strain on the left…
Are any of you fine ladies using https://thesquatrack.com/ as a personal training log? Started using it fairly recently and I absolutely love it.
Hullo to whoever decides to read this wall of text! For the past few months, I've been finding it increasingly difficult to stick to my food plan. Worse yet, the derails have been getting more frequent over time. I've been calorie counting since October 2012. In that time I went from 60 kg (132~ lbs) to 50 kg (110~), with…