I'm on the market for a new face wash. I have very sensitive scin and slight rosacea. I'd like to use as natural as possible, without paying ridiculous amount of money. I currently use Eucerin for Redness Relief, but not seeing any change. Any suggestions?
Does anyone use this supplement? I was watching Foodmatters last night on Netflix and this caught my eye. I looked into it and it all sounds great. If you have used it, what is your experience with it? Which brand? I'm willing to give it a try but not sure where to start.
Ok, attempt #2 at posting this after I realized I posted on the wrong board (food and nutrition) After stuffing my face with so much food on Thursday, and still being able to fit into smaller size jeans on Friday, I rewarded my self with a 15lb kettlebell. I always wanted one and finally got one - Tone Fitness brand. I was…
After stuffing my face with so much food on Thursday, and still being able to fit into smaller size jeans on Friday, I rewarded my self with a 15lb kettlebell. I always wanted on and finally got one - Tone Fitness brand. I was learning proper form today and the bell feels strange in my hands. I've never worked with one, so…
The first time I tried yoga was when I did P90X. And I hated it...mostly because I could not bend/do majority of the moves. So I skipped it and opted for an extra cardio session on the yoga days. Lately I've been seeing a lot of groupon/lifebooker/living social offers for a month of unlimited hot yoga. It made me wonder if…