I have to wait 5 more months for bariatric surgery as my doctor didn't document all the times we discussed weight loss and nutrition, exercise, etc. I just found out today. I usually turn to eating when depressed, angry, sad, any emotion and have been trying really hard lately. How do you all stay on track when things go…
Hello. I am in the getting everything together to schedule Roux-En-Y. Have my lab work done, my nutritionist and fitness test done, EGD done yesterday, psycholoigst eval on Nov 6th, and waiting for doc to fax charting over. They said if everything goes according to plan, I should be able to schedule before the end of the…
I am here because my dietician recommended it. I am in the works of getting bariatric surgery. I have 3 children and a husband that I have been married to for 10 years and love dearly. I work as a hospice RN. I love what I do. Was in a bad car accident about a year and a half ago that left me with a badly damaged ankle and…