That is incredible! WTG! On another note, what does NSV mean? Back to the road, you should be very proud of yourself! We are all proud of you :)
Thank you so much! I love those tips and yeah, emotional eating is something I need to learn to avoid or just habitual eating, eating because I just used to then. I will use these tips. Thanks!
Thanks so much! I have lost 7 since seieng the dietician and implementating, slowly, the lifestyle changes she recommended. Biggest one is cutting out fast food and pop. I will take your tips and suggestions to heart. I don't feel so bad about it now.. I guess I can use this time to focus on the changes I need to make.…
Thanks :) I think I needed to hear that. I like to shop too, but with a broken microsave and paying for all these tests, no extra money right now. I didn't overeat today because I was frustrated, which is a first for me, so maybe I am making strides. Will talk to doc on the 7th and see what he can do, if anything, since he…
Count me in please! CW: *gulp* 264 Christmas Weight: 244 (or less!). Let's do it!
All that coffee could be contributing too, but I like the idea about charting when you are bloated and see if it correlates with any food or drink. If it is that certain time of month, bloating is common. I would focus more on toning exercises and strength training and as muscle weighs more than fat, you might see an…
Luckily or unluckily, my microwave fried and so I have had no choice but to cook and found it isn't quite as horrible as I thought :) LOL My surgery won't happen for another 5 months because my doctor didn't document all the times we talked about diet and exercise.. has anyone had this happen to them? How do you deal? I am…
I'm a hospice RN and my husband is a paramedic going to pre-med. Feel free to add me. I am on regularly and would love the extra support :)
Unfortunately, I hate seafood,other than tunafish, and not a big cottage cheese person. I do like eggs, yogurt, cheese, etc. Thanks for the help! I had my first weigh-in and down 5 pounds, so I must be doing something right!
You guys are amazing! The pics were truly inspirational. Off for my walk now to get going!
Thank you so much for the advice. My doc told me I had to give up carbonated drinks as well, so I am trying to replace with water or flavored water, crystal light. I am down to 2-3 pops a day from 10, so that is a great start I think. They gave me a list of the types of food I need and goals to work on, and I am working on…