

  • That is incredible! WTG! On another note, what does NSV mean? Back to the road, you should be very proud of yourself! We are all proud of you :)
  • Thank you so much! I love those tips and yeah, emotional eating is something I need to learn to avoid or just habitual eating, eating because I just used to then. I will use these tips. Thanks!
  • Thanks so much! I have lost 7 since seieng the dietician and implementating, slowly, the lifestyle changes she recommended. Biggest one is cutting out fast food and pop. I will take your tips and suggestions to heart. I don't feel so bad about it now.. I guess I can use this time to focus on the changes I need to make.…
  • Thanks :) I think I needed to hear that. I like to shop too, but with a broken microsave and paying for all these tests, no extra money right now. I didn't overeat today because I was frustrated, which is a first for me, so maybe I am making strides. Will talk to doc on the 7th and see what he can do, if anything, since he…
  • Count me in please! CW: *gulp* 264 Christmas Weight: 244 (or less!). Let's do it!
  • All that coffee could be contributing too, but I like the idea about charting when you are bloated and see if it correlates with any food or drink. If it is that certain time of month, bloating is common. I would focus more on toning exercises and strength training and as muscle weighs more than fat, you might see an…
  • Luckily or unluckily, my microwave fried and so I have had no choice but to cook and found it isn't quite as horrible as I thought :) LOL My surgery won't happen for another 5 months because my doctor didn't document all the times we talked about diet and exercise.. has anyone had this happen to them? How do you deal? I am…
  • I'm a hospice RN and my husband is a paramedic going to pre-med. Feel free to add me. I am on regularly and would love the extra support :)
  • Unfortunately, I hate seafood,other than tunafish, and not a big cottage cheese person. I do like eggs, yogurt, cheese, etc. Thanks for the help! I had my first weigh-in and down 5 pounds, so I must be doing something right!
  • You guys are amazing! The pics were truly inspirational. Off for my walk now to get going!
  • Thank you so much for the advice. My doc told me I had to give up carbonated drinks as well, so I am trying to replace with water or flavored water, crystal light. I am down to 2-3 pops a day from 10, so that is a great start I think. They gave me a list of the types of food I need and goals to work on, and I am working on…