I was diagnosed with hypothyroid originally back in February. They put me on .25 of the generic medicine. It gave me weird anxiety and just made me feel odd. I quit taking it after a very very short time. I was then retested in July when I had to go to the dr. My levels had gotten slightly worse so they wanted to put me…
My question is, how soon before it do I eat? I don't want to feel full but I also don't want to get hungry in the middle of it either. I'm use to doing morning 5ks and I just eat a bowl of cereal and go. This one doesn't start until 10:00 pm so I'm a little lost as to what to do.
I run 3 days a week (approx. 10 miles per week). I'm brand new to weight lifting and I was wondering if I can do my leg workouts on the days I run.
I know you're only suppose to run about 3 days a week but does anybody do anything else on the "off" days? I thought some light weights might be good on those days but is it ok to walk in between or should you just let your legs rest those days? I'm really not new to exercise but this time I want to do it right and not…