Not sure if this is in the right place but... The first time since January I've allowed myself to indulge as I had a week off work and the first break I've had in a while. Let's just say I'm regretting it. And as it stands I have gained a massive 10lbs in just 5 days. I know some will say it's water weight but I know the…
I started my weight loss journey November 2012, and until about a month ago I seemed to be doing fine; losing nearly 30lbs. But over the last 4-6 weeks I gradually went back into my old lifestyle. I have no idea why I should have been more motivated for a recent holiday abroad, but I just wasn't. After coming back of…
Hi all, Fairly new to this site. I already have two buddies who I help and support and vice versa. Looking for more moral support throughout this journey. Add me as a friend. Thanks