So, i'm fairly new to running. I try for 2+ miles 3 + days a week for about 3 weeks now. Today I went and only got about 11/2 miles in when my knee started hurting so bad I could only walk the rest. The second I woud resume the run, it would act up again. Form the research i've done it sounds like Iliotibial Band Syndrome.…
I started T25 yesterday. I love it and it is intense! Today i'm in serious pain from said intensity, and I can only imagine what tomorrow will be like. That being said, is it best to push through the pain or take a break? Once my muscles have warmed up the pain is almost gone, but is it bad to continue?
After a 35 minute workout on my elliptical (speed 50, whatever that means) it says I burned 305 calories, but MFP says 412. Though my elliptical doesn't put my current weight and height into consideration. I know MFP may over compensate, but that seems drastic. If this is the case then i'm afraid I will over eat calories…