Looking for some new friends
I am looking for some new friends. My fitness goal is to loose 70 pounds! I lost 50 and gained it back. I'm looking for friends with the same goals as well as friends who once did have the same goal and were succesful! I'm looking for friends who are in it for the long haul really! I make my own posts and I am really…
Gaining weight when working out woes..What the hell...
Ugh! So I did Insanity and was eating my correct allotment of calories for 3-4 week before New Years. I ate frequently and watched my macro-nutrients like a hawk. My metabolism was revving like a finely tuned muscle car. I dropped 20 pounds in 3-4 week before, during and after New Years. AND even for a while when I stopped…
Comfort Food Conversion: Everything is coming up Kale Chips!
Want chips? Want a salty treat while watching you favourite show minus all the garbage that comes with purchased, bagged junk food? KALE CHIPS! All you need is: -Table spoon Olive Oil or less (A little goes a long way) -Table spoon or less of salt (A little goes a long way)...I use Montreal Steak SEASONING!! lol -Kale!!!…