Comfort Food Conversion: Everything is coming up Kale Chips!

Grimmox Posts: 8
Want chips? Want a salty treat while watching you favourite show minus all the garbage that comes with purchased, bagged junk food?


All you need is:

-Table spoon Olive Oil or less (A little goes a long way)
-Table spoon or less of salt (A little goes a long way)...I use Montreal Steak SEASONING!! lol
-Wax paper
-Cookie Tray
- A oven that reaches 350 degrees


-Separate your Kale from the stalk and tear into bite size pieces.
-Wash and dry thoroughly
-Massage oil into leaves and sprinkle with salt
-Place seasoned kale on to cookie tray lined with wax paper or parchment paper (Do not put kale on top of eachother OR they will steam instead of baking!)
-Bake for 10-15 minutes on 350 degrees or until edges are brown
-And Voila! Tissue paper thin, crunchy, salty treat--that is low cal and super good for you! :)

**If you want to contribute you spin on Kale Chips post below :)