Need some ideas on how to unwind
So I've come to the realization that I drink too much alcohol. I love to put the kids to bed and then unwind watching my DVR'd shows and drinking a mixed drink. I think by doing this, I am sabotaging my weight loss. So I wanted to see if anyone else has been here and if you all had some ideas on how to unwind at the end of…
Can you have too much protein?
So everyday I'm above the amount limited on protein and I'm always having a hard time losing weight....could it be that I'm consuming too much protein? Thanks for any suggestions, opinions :) . I'm also curious...with all the protein that I eat, I probably shouldn't do protein shakes...huh? Lol thanks
Elliptical or Treadmill?
What is better? For years i have done the elliptical and its great, I have heard its easier on your knees. I had gotten to the point that I would use 19 crosstrain and 12 resistance and would be good. IT was easy peasy. I have recently been trying the treadmill and its so much harder for me. I feel like I get a way better…
Kale Shake/Smoothie?
Hey everyone! I've started eating really healthy and am interested in learning about those green healthy shakes that people drink :) Can someone please shed light on what is good in terms of those drinks? How to make them? I've been doing the gnc lean shakes and they are AWESOME but I'd like to add some type of vegetable…
Alcohol is my worst enemy :(
Ok this is more of a vent than anything. I exercise every day of the week, and sometimes the weekend. I usually burn about 600 calories per day and eat very healthy. I like to drink, I have two small children and drinking at the end of the day relaxes me. I don't drink to get drunk... anyways. I am at that point that no…
30 Day Challenge - Are you up for it? :o)
Ok i'm going to do a 30 day challenge personally and I thought I would post on here to see if anyone else was interested! The challenge? NO ALCOHOL for 30 days! If you're interested in joining this challenge, add me to your friends! :) I think if we all do this together, maybe we could motivate each other and keep each…