cheat day?
Anybody do cheat days? I'm having an awful sweet tooth today. What do you guts do on cheat days?
Working out with a cold?
I've had this terrible cold/cough these past few days, but I've still been getting my cardio and strength training in. Probably not the best idea, but hey. Anyone else out having a battle with their immune system and know of any fast cold remedies?
weight watchers
I'm planning on starting weight watchers next week, has anyone ever had any success on this or is it a waste of money?
Top 5 in your workout playlist?
I'm always on the lookout for new music to keep me going on my runs. Top 5 to workout to would be: 1.) Rihanna-we found love 2.) Bingo players-cry just a little 3.) Jimmy eat world-sweetness 4.) p.y.t.-we're dancing 5.) Nero-promises for now thats the top that keeps me going, what's yours?