Working out with a cold?

I've had this terrible cold/cough these past few days, but I've still been getting my cardio and strength training in. Probably not the best idea, but hey. Anyone else out having a battle with their immune system and know of any fast cold remedies?


  • tooliebell
    tooliebell Posts: 177 Member
    I've been sick as well for about a week. I just finally walked last night but I only did a mile. I have had this awful respiratory crud which has made my head and body ache, so I decided to just rest. I was hoping to only be out for a couple days, but it has been a whole week of not exercising.

    I'd say it's a pretty personal decision to work out or not while sick. If you have a fever, exercising and increasing your body temperature isn't good. I don't think it will make you feel any better. But if you don't have a fever and feel like you may be able to do something, I think thats better than nothing. I am going to push for at least a 30 minute work out tonight. I know it will poop me out but I gotta get back into it.

    I hope you feel better soon!
  • shortie563
    No fever or body aches, so I feel like I should be doing something. There's some crappy stuff going around, I just wish there was a cure for the common cold so it didn't linger for weeks!!