Okay, okay, kind of dramatic. I just really would like some advice and support. I'm 19, and ever since I was a little kid I can remember always have some extra fat on my midsection. I was molested multiple times when I was a child, and I had an unstable home life. I really think the reason why I have such a hard time…
Guys, I always get that urge to eat and eat, how does one stop! Also, I over eat when I'm mad or sad. And I don't overstuff on the good stuff but heavily overprocessed food. Also, i have to eat until my stomache is in pain. I don't know when to stop. Do I have a disease? D:
Hi, I am 17 years old and I weigh 222 pounds. Not only do I weight that much, but I have a huge hump below my neck. It's there because I weigh so much. I'm in constant pain every day because of my large hump, even now as I am typing this. I am not losing weight just for a passing fancy, I need to lose weight for my health.…