I’m wondering what everyone opinion on heart rate monitors’ accuracy is. Is there a way to test the monitor? I have been running/walking about 4 miles a day. Today, for example, my HRM had a total of over 500 calories burned during the hour session. From what I’ve read most people burn about 100 cal per mile of running. I…
I’ve been reading that doing only cardio will make you loose muscle mass along with fat. I’ve been spending my time doing 95% cardio on my elliptical at high resistance. After a good session my muscles burn like I’ve been lifting. I know I won’t build new muscle this way, but am I at least maintaining what I have? Does…
I just got a HR monitor, and used it for the first time today. After using Runtastic to keep track of my walk, and the calorie read out on my elliptical I had a calorie burn of 840. My HR monitor said over 1000. Which should I go with? Is there a way to test the accuracy of either? I know nothing will be 100% accurate. I…