Recipes with few ingredients
I'm currently living temporarily in another country, so I don't want to build up a lot of groceries as I would have in my kitchen at home. I would appreciate any recipes that are low calorie and healthy that have few ingredients! I typically have a lot of produce and some spices on hand. Sometimes I have milk if I think…
Substitute for Coffee?
I crave coffee like crazy! I like mine with a lot of sugar and creamer too and one of my old binges used to be coffee flavored ice cream or frappucinos :/ I've been craving it for like two weeks straight and can't quit thinking about wanting it all the time. Does anyone have a good substitute? I've tried drinking it black…
Anyone from Purdue University?
Hi, I am a 19 y/o college student from Purdue University. I gained a lot of weight over my first year of college that I want to get rid of. Is there anyone who is also a Purdue student or from Indiana? I'd also love any tips or recipes any of you want to offer :)