I've decided to train for my first 1/2 marathon, I only have about 6 weeks and know that I most likely won't be able to run the entire way. I run now and have done 5k's before. I have started a 6 week training plan, but wanted to adjust my diet to better fuel my training. How do most of ya'll eat in preparation for a run.…
I gave up soda about a year ago and fell off the wagon for a couple month ,but have been back on track for several months now. Do you think a diet soda here and there is really that bad for you? I don't drink coffee and sometimes miss that little kick of caffeine.
I lost about 30 lbs and I've gained about 1/2 back, I'm back on track trying to drop 20 lbs by the end of the year. I'm about 177 lbs and I'm looking for friends to help support during this journey. I mostly try to count my calories, but am looking to eat more of a paleo type diet. Anyone else about with about the same…
I feel like I am ALWAYS hungry and that is one reason why dieting is so hard for me. I lost about 30lbs and now I'm put 1/2 of it back on. I'm ready to get back on track ,but need a little help. Is there a supplement to help me not feel as hungry? I'm 177 lbs now and I really want to get to about 160 by the holidays. I…