In June my A1C was 6.8 I stopped all my meds December 1 Two weeks ago my NEW A1C was 5.8!!!
I quit keeping a food journal about 4 months ago and, no surprise here, have been far less then successful on losing the pounds. So... I'm getting back on track starting today. I will be reading the forums, tracking my food and ramping up my exercise. Today I got to the fitness center 15 minutes earlier than usual and…
I had a gastric sleeve on 12/6/12. It just took me over two months to start keeping track of what I was eating! (I'm a slow learner, I guess). Anyway, I am down 41 pounds and while that is not a rock star kind of number, I am not unhappy with it. My starting weight was 235.5 and my goal is 140 so I have a way to go. My…
My name is Christine and I had a gastric sleeve surgery on Dec. 6. So I am a mere 10 days post op! I'm trying to figure out HOW to use this site to keep track of my intake and exercise. So far I haven't figured out how to create my own on line PLAN which included 60g of protein and 64 oz of water a day. Any other sleevers…