Hey guys! You all ok? I'm struggling with motivation, I'm eating a lot less but not getting the right amount of protein ad vitamins, any advice for getting these on an under 1200 calorie diet?
ok right, this week i have given 2 of my friends complete comtrol over my diet and they have come up ith this very strict diet around 700 calories a day till next monday (christmas eve) yesterday was my first day and i lost 1.5lb when i weighed this morning which i think is fantasic... yay me!! they have been doing this…
what do you think of these? i went and had my gait done last tuesday and these were recommended to me? i have ordered a pair and am waiting for them to arrive... just wondered what you guys thought of them? if you have them or have had them please tell me what you think and how they ran? ta... kay
oh dear.... i feel really crap today, i came down with a cold yesterday and its obviously mutated!! BAD TIMES! Anyway getting to the point... i was going to go for a run today but really really dont feel like it... so was wondering if any of you guys and gals out there know of any ways i can get a full body workout without…
im looking for support from people who understand my situation.... wanna get in shape, tone up, get healthy....:happy: im running the great south run this year and would like to be able to run it without getting breathless... last year i wasn't so lucky haha... being my first one and all i didn't really know how much…