Someone posted this on another forum and the website has alot of interesting articles on working out while pregnany, so thought I would share. If the link doesn't work just go to and type preganancy in the search. Have a happy 4th!
So excited Lucy is having their semi annual sale and I bought several new tops that are a little looser in the belly (crossback tank, fast as you can get singlet, novelty tank etc.) in a size up that will work for maternity! Plus was talking to the store ladies about how hard it is to find quality workout pants for…
I am 9 wks with my 1st and my ribs on one side are super sore. I am in pretty good shape and haven't gained anything yet, although belly is little bigger but it is more like a "bad chipotle day" belly more than anything. My chiropractor told me most likely it is b/c things are growing and so they are displacing the organs…
Found this website and am now in love with it, so thought I would share... Has amazing recipies (all nutritional info on each and WW points plus) and she has pictures of everything. Enjoy! :smile: