Anyone doing Route 66 Bicycle Ride the 14th? ( I don't know if I will be doing the 41 or 58 mile ride. Depends on my work schedule and this darn rain!
Sorry... was trying to test putting a photo in a post. Had to do it somewhere...
Yes, it is cold, and yes, there is some snow out there BUT that isn't stopping me from asking. Anyone ride? I like to do trails like the Merimac Park trail, Grants Trail, Creve Couer Park, and Katy Trail. There are still so many more to hit as well. Anyone looking for someone to ride with? I don't do the rides at race…
Just got back from dinner. The service was SO slow we didn't want to hang around for dessert. I have to work Monday! So just fish and veggies for me. Yea! Anyone else sort of glad for slow service?