So I looking to get two separate tattoos in the near future and seriously cannot decide where to put them and need insight. - Down the obliques looks cool now but in older age a dragon could morph into a hippos with spikes - Forearms are cool but basically not going to work with my profession - Shoulders are a likely…
I watched the movie "The Warrior" and Tom Hardy has HUGE trap muscles in that movie! I decided to try to build those muscles and think that I have done relatively well and last night I was told that they are "gross" and make me look like a meat head...Lol! So - to everyone out there, do you think that muscle being large is…
Does anyone have knowledge of how to quantitate the calories used when lifting weights? I am trying to shed about 6lbs in the near future but have recently had knee surgery and thus will not being doing any cardio. I typically will lift free weights doing back and pecks one day, biceps and triceps another day, legs another…