A friend and I were chatting the other day about what our favorite movie of all time was. I said the "Rocky Horror Picture Show". She said that was her favorite movie as well. I absolutely LOVE this movie. I have seen it about 30 times and it never gets old. It's something about Tim Curry in lingerie. *Shivers*. I know how…
So...my diet has been like a rollercoaster ride. It has had it's ups and it's downs...and now I am looking for a change in my eating habits. I have googled the Paleo Diet and this is something that I am interesting in doing. If any of you MFPers have changed to the Paleo way of life, can you give me some pointers/advice?…
I have seen posts about people from Wisconsin, Maine, Florida, etc..., but I'm curious about something. Who on here lives in Georgia? I know I can't be the only Georgia Peach on MFP!!!