Hey everyone, I wasn't able to find a thread about this anywhere so I am starting a new one. Since we are all loosing weight, we shrink out of our clothes and need "new" ones. I think this message board is also a great place for us to sell / buy or trade clothes. It's a cheap way to get rid of what no longer fits and give…
Hey everyone, I have a slight problem at the moment... I work at an office from 8am till 5pm and I always bring my own food to work with me. So far I have had normal healthy sandwiches, fresh carrot sticks, cucumber and red bell pepper, crisp bread, fruits (banana, kiwi, grapes etc.), joghurt and even cereal with milk. But…
Hey everyone, I need your help! In 2 weeks I have to go back to school for 3 weeks and won't have any access to the internet. Does anyone of you know a good programm to keep track of your food? Any advice would be awesome, because I am not sure what to do. Thank you so much in advance! <3
Hello, I am new (obviously) and just wanted to quickly introduce myself =) My name is Melanie, I am 22 years old, from Germany and willing to loose weight and I hope to meet some nice people on this website who help me through the harder times =)