Well looks like I am starting completely over....I gained my few pounds back I had lost while being sick. Not sure if it was because It has been very hard for me to swallow (strep throat) having ZERO energy (upper resp. infection). I went to the Dr. and they gave me a steriod shot along with antibotic shot, steriod,…
If you are a female alone driving, walking, jogging or anything and come across a child whom is crying asking you to take them to a certain address PLEASE DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take them to the nearest Police station....This is a new way for women to be in danger, sadley enough to say. This is a new "gang rape"…
Ok, I have a kinda ewww question, but not sure???? After eating something, and then about 10-15 mins later, getting sick to your stomach and it not staying with you anymore, should that still be counted or not?? And if so how do you count that?? So confused about this.....any help is greatly appreciated!!! Thanks fellow…
I have had ok luck on both, and starting all over this time...only 3rd diet.....I am not sure which of these seem to help me more or be more valuable and nutitrious...any suggestions would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!
Hello!!! To everyone!!! My name is Shannon and I am a 36 year old female and mother of 2. I have finally deceided to take control of my life and get healthy. Any suggestions would be great! Thanks!:happy: