Hey everyone, I found this resource on how to reconnect with your abdominal muscles after c-section. It is a very gentle step-by-step approach over a few weeks. The exercises are very nice, I do them while cooking for example, and they make my scar and the area around less stiff every day. The walking seems to little, and…
A miracle happened today, my enenrgy was back and after cleaning and cooking i had a really stromg urge tonwork out. Im 13 weeks now but in the past 13 weeks i was so exhausted and unwell that i typiccaly collapsed in the couch after work. So i was looking for a fun prenatal exercise video and most i found on youtube were…
I am on week 2, and eating is ok w MFP but my biggest challenge is how to fit in exercise with work and taking care of my son (3) - an my husband is away for 2 months. Chasing after our little ones can be exhausting but somehow didnt make me lose weight. Last week, I thought I would take him him out on the bike and I would…