How do I get kiwifruit to soften? They're not rock hard but they're pretty firm.
I have a blood donation appointment today (plasma and platelets). Should I eat extra calories today or just concentrate more of my calories around the time of my donation?
Anyone have a good chicken noodle soup recipe? I have some leftover baked chicken I want to repurpose.
How many cups does an average spagetti squash yield?
How do you turn a spagetti squash into spagetti?
I made this one with meatloaf yesterday. Tastes remarkably similar to mashed potatoes but it's great without gravy. Mashed Cauliflower Steam 1 head of cauliflower until tender (or pressure cook in steamer basket, regulate 1 minute) Blend well Mix in 1 tbsp butter or butter sub Salt and pepper to taste
Does anyone have a millet muffin recipe they've tried and like?
So I've never joined a weightloss website before but I've gotten to the point that I can't stand my body anymore and I'm bound and determined to drop my extra 67 lb. Wish me luck (and long term motivation)!