Looking for friends Im a newbie
Hello!!!! Im kind of new here. About three weeks now. I have lost 5 pounds. I need friends! I am the type of person that needs support and positive motivation. Friend me so you can help me and I can help you....THANK YOU!!!!
SUgar Intake
Ok so my dailiy sugars are 26 grams. I am freaking out because Im already over my sugar by 1. The apple I ate this morning was 17 grams of sugar!!!! This is suagr that come from a fruit so its considered good sugar right??? So how do I know if I am really truley over my daily sugars??? HELP!!!
New Member here
I just started this last week. I got my niece to join tonight. I love this!!! A co worker of mine has been a member for about 6 months. She has lost almost 60 pounds. I just have a good feeling about this. I havent had a good inkling about any other weight control programs. My goal is 50 pounds to lose. Although people…