Today was my first day n it was a nitemare for me.I cudnt breathe cudnt finish n felt my form was wrong n cudnt keep up. Btw how do I record exercise for this program on here.? How do I know how many Cal's were burned?
I thought was a big no no cuz of the salt but I see alot of people mentioning it.I love Turkey. What kind do I get. At the deli?
So I'm a huge coffee drinker day n nite. Obviously need to cut that out. What r some hot teas that r gud n maybe even healthy.I've tried green tea but don't care for it much.
I need sum ideas whether it b fruit smoothie protein or sum type of smoothie consisting of veggies? And how often can you have protein shakes in a day n when?
Ideas for egg whites/ omellettes?
Hi my name is genelle and I'm 278lbs.I've tried many diets n exercise and can't stick to anything. I'm actually In process of trying to get weight loss surgery but I wana do something now to help myself. I have bad eating habits and don't know where to even start with exercise.